Dear colleagues, dear friends,
We are delighted to invite you to the
57th ESPR Annual Meeting
& 43rd Post Graduate Course
that will be held from 5th to 9th June 2023 in Hotel Crowne Plaza in Belgrade, Serbia.
It is our great privilege to organize this most important meeting in European paediatric radiology only for the second time in Southeast Europe. Therefore, in parallel with the ESPR meeting global relevance, we see this event as a chance for a generation of paediatric radiologists in the SEE region to leap forward, speed up their development and catch up with the most contemporary knowledge and practices in paediatric radiology worldwide.
The motto of the ESPR 2023 is "Building new bridges".
It highlights the need for further enhancing relations between Southeast Europe-SEE paediatric radiology with the rest of the world and the need for continual growth of interdisciplinary relations, while emphasizing the importance of clinical-radiological cooperation. A number of sessions will include a clinician, paediatrician or paediatric surgeon, to point out the clinical issues and aspects of what radiologists do, with a goal to improve our mutual understanding.
Although Annual Meeting & Postgraduate Course structure will largely remain similar to our previous events, to cover all major topics and challenges in paediatric radiology, we are also planning to provide other attractive conference formats, with the intent to cover the most current topics of paediatrics radiology and the potentials of their application in our daily work.
We will keep you informed on all relevant information related to your participation through the ESPR 2023 Website and via regular promotional campaigns.
So „SAVE THE DATE” for the ESPR 2023 to improve and refresh your knowledge during each day of the Congress and to enjoy the nights in officially the number 1 party city in the World!
We look forward to meeting you in Belgrade, welcome!

Prof. Polina Pavicevic
Congress President

Prof. Jovan Lovrenski
Congress President